Well, week 2 has seen some drastic improvements.
We found a great airstream service place in Greensboro, NC and dropped our trailer there for a few days. Good thing we found the leak, because it turns out the shocks were thirty years old and basically useless. So they replaced the rotten flooring, the shocks, plugged up the leaks and holes in the frame, changed the leaky pipes AND we splurged and had an air conditioner installed. So now we’re super fancy and can go to Florida and Texas without the risk of heat stroke associated with living in a large aluminum oven. We burnt through most of our money way ahead of schedule, but it was money well spent.
Right now we’re parked at an RV/trailer park near the Carborro/Chapel Hill area in North Carolina. We had a chance to chat with the trailer park owner, and it was really fascinating. First, I had never heard an Asian immigrant with a mix of an Asian and Southern US accent – and it’s really awesome. He’s from Vietnam, used to tour around the US with a band. He fought in the Vietnam war against the US, his entire family was killed, they wanted to cut off his head but he managed to escape and spent three weeks on a boat without food or water. In order to survive he ate dogs, cats, insects and eventually humans. He says this all very casually and without a trace of self pity. Sometimes I really wish I had a video camera strapped to my forehead, I’m sorry you missed it.
Right now we’re in a coffee shop in Carrboro waiting for our show tonight at Open Eye Cafe. Really good coffee and vegan goodies.
In other news, we’ve got some new full-band live videos up. One of our newer songs, “Better off” and our minor, gypsy-jazz take on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Check ’em out!