Hope your Memorial Day was filled with lots of fun and good food and minimal amounts of traffic and sweatiness!
I’ve changed my mind again re: the album vs. EP dilemma. Elie has a name for this specific type of indecision, he calls it “Pulling an Eleanor.” I’m pretty sure this decision will stick, though. It was my original plan, which means it was what I wanted to do in the first place before doubt crept in. It’ll probably be about five or six songs, four of which are written, and two that are almost complete. The good news is, this means we will be recording and releasing new (er) music way sooner than we would’ve had we been doing a full length. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I can NOT wait to get these songs recorded!!!
If you missed it, here’s a free download of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” recorded live at NYU with Chris Shultz and Clif Jackson (our new bass player). We’re going to be re-recording this for the EP, and I’ll be including a killer vocal intro…it’s gonna be good.
I’ve also started work on a stop motion video for the song using paper cut outs. This is the first time I’ve attempted something like this, and so far it looks pretty cute. I have about a thousand more photos to take, so don’t hold your breath, but hopefully it will see the light of day eventually!