The Genesis of a Song – By the Side of the Road

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A few people have asked about my songwriting process so I decided to go through Go Call the Captain and our previous EP song by song, describing the process/inspiration for each one as best I can.

Generally it goes something like this:
Inspiration hits and out comes a little snippet of some combination of melody/lyric/chord progression.  Then the initial inspiration fizzles out and the “work” begins.  I’m not much for work, so this part takes awhile.
In the best circumstances, when the  inspiration hits it produces something that doesn’t even feel like mine, something that feels like it came from some universal translator or wavelength that I just happened to tune into for a minute.  If all goes smoothly, I can tap back into that wavelength when I revisit the snippet, and more will flow.  If not, the snippet sits around for months or years, while I scramble around trying to make the rest of the song sound as natural and effortless as the inspired part.  I can’t tell you how many awesome snippets I have lying around, just waiting to be finished.  On a side note, I wish I had a better word than “snippet,” it’s starting to sound really weird to me.

I’ll start with “By the Side of the Road,” the first track on Go Call the Captain.  I actually wrote a blog about this one a while back, explaining my interpretation of the song.  I say “my interpretation” because despite the fact that I own the copyright and technically wrote the song, I don’t feel like I own it.  I feel like I was just transcribing something which came from somewhere else.  So whatever you feel, or don’t feel, in response to the song is as valid as anything I could ramble on about 🙂

Here’s what happened:

Back in the Spring of 2007 I was riding my bike  home from the YMCA.  I passed a golf course in my home town of Pelham, NY, called Mt. Tom.  Near the road there was a small mound of dirt, like a child-sized grave.  As soon as I saw it, the first verse and melody popped into my head.

“They buried me by the side of the road, my mind grew distant, my body got old, so they dressed me up in my favorite clothes and they buried me there, by the side of the road.”

and I thought “holy shit, this is fucking awesome,” (modesty is so overrated) and proceeded to sing it the rest of the way home.

As I imagined the song unfolding and the arrangement, what came to mind was a didgeridoo and tribal drumming, maybe a little Paul Simon-ish.  What you hear on the album is not what I had originally envisioned for the song, but  we didn’t have the time to really record it the way we wanted – I would love to record another arrangement at some point in the future.

So after the initial verse came into my head I  let the idea and lyrics marinate a little while, coming back to them from time to time.

The chorus and rest of the verses seemed to flow really effortlessly as well, I was in the zone for this song.  This was one situation where having a limited musical vocabulary was actually helpful, the few chords I can play on the guitar fit perfectly with the initial melody and helped inspire the chorus.

I find that being in awe of what comes out, holding onto the pure excitement of creating something without worrying about what to do next, is the best way to go forward.  As soon as I start stressing out about where to go with the song, or feeling incapable of completing it, I am pinched off from the inspiration and the song is dead in the water.

I think I completed the song while we were in Macau in 2007/2008…it always reminds me of that specific period of time.  I first played it to a bunch of fellow performers in a grimy Best Western in Taipa.

You can check out the lyrics here 🙂


Pittsburgh, DC and back to NY

Since our last post we drove to Pittsburgh and had the pleasure of meeting and playing with Joy Ike, who is a full time touring musician and who happens to write a blog I read called Grassrootsy, small world!  She was playing beautiful arrangements with cellist, Eleanor Graham, and a double bass player, you should definitely check her out and go catch a show.

Then we headed over to DC for a show  at Ebenezers, which is an incredible venue/coffee shop.  You really never know what to expect from a venue the first time around, it could go either way, but Ebenezers was a real treat.  They have a whole separate performance space downstairs, a GREAT sound system, a sound guy who knows his stuff, even full-on lighting.  We also got to share the bill with Joe Rathbone and his band, great songs and really nice people.  His bass player, Paul Brown, actually spent a year living in an RV so we got some great tips from him, such as ‘don’t poop where you sleep,’ a real gem.

Now we’re back home for a bit, our next show is this Sunday in Ithaca.  It’s nice to sleep in our own bed, but a little sad to not be playing every night.  On the upside, this is going to be our last few months in our apartment and I am more excited than ever to begin our airstream adventures.  Being on tour, meeting so many great people, talking to fellow musicians and hearing their music and stories was really inspiring.  I love being a part of this huge community of indie, DIY musicians and I can NOT WAIT to be on the road full time.

A HUGE thank you to everyone along the way who came out to support us, let us crash in their homes, shared the stage and overall made this tour worthwhile!

Tour, Day 7

Sitting in my chair in probably the worst super 8 motel I’ve been so far (they don’t even have wifi… so I’m using my tethered phone)

Since the last update we played Cleveland, which was awesome, thanks to Mike for letting us play at Wilbert’s, and thanks to Thorn Apple and Rachel Roberts for sharing the stage with us! Then we were off to Chicago where we met with Matt Campbell from the Chicago Talking Machine and had the pleasure to discover Pillow Talk (they’re new and they’re good!). There we stayed with a friend of ours who’s been living in Chicago for years now. It looks like it’s a really nice city. I would like to come back there and stay a little longer to have time to visit a bit, maybe when it’s warmer so that I can go chill on the beach for a while! Oh and of course, plenty of vegan options there, which is always nice!

Yesterday we went to Bloomington, IN, where we played to an almost empty room (thanks for the few of you who were there and enjoyed the show!). I have to say though that I did not like the town all that much… Maybe I didn’t get to see the good side of it? Anyhow, moving on… tonight is Pittsburgh for the second to last show of our tour.

I am looking forward to having a trailer and be a little free-er. Eating out is ok but I miss cooking and having a place to play and practice for myself. Living on the road is awesome anyway, and I am certainly not eager to come back to my sedentary life (even though it’s only for a short while).

See you in Pittsburgh!


I LOVE Athens, Ohio.  Our show at Donkey was so great.  Not only is it the perfect venue for acoustic music but the audience is always amazing, I can’t even begin to tell you how good it feels to play for a receptive audience.  It makes such a huge difference.  Don’t get me wrong, playing is playing regardless of whether anyone is listening, but when an audience is digging the music it takes it to a whole new level.  They become part of it and you’re co-creating something completely unique…amazing.  Im so grateful that there are places out there like Donkey Coffee which encourage and support performances like that.

Tour, day 3

Im sitting at an awesome cafe/ bakery called village bakery cafe in Athens, Ohio waiting for our show at Donkey Coffee.  As cool as it is in here I’m really looking forward to having our trailer and being able to chill at home wherever we are…and not having to spend extra dough on motels and eating out…although Athens has an abundance of delicious, locally grown vegan food. 
Athens is a college town, but for some reason we always end up coming through here when school’s out. 
It’s only day 3 but already I feel so much more inspired and excited about life.  I was really not designed for a stationary life, as much as I love my creature comforts.  I enjoy waking up and not knowing whats going to happen. 
I do wish we had some more time to hang around Ohio because a. There’s a crazy awesome vegan bakery in columbus that has the best lemon cupcakes ever, and b. There are SO MANY airstreams for sale out here, even saw a squarestream on craigslist!
So after the show tonight we’re moving on to cleveland for a show at Wilberts…I’ll keep you posted 🙂

Tour Day 1

Wary of the difficulty to find decent vegetarian & vegan food on the road, we left prepared yesterday afternoon. We’d cooked a few dishes that we could eat hot or cold and took them with us in our trusty ice box, and I’m glad we did! First gig yesterday in Philly, and absolutely no place to eat… That’s when our “chickpeas romesco” came to the rescue (thanks Vegonomicon for this awesome recipe!)

Anyhow, on to the show, we’re headlining. As our tour is 10 days longs, we couldn’t bring everyone on the road with us so we’re doing it as a duo; and headlining as an acoustic duo after 2 full bands opening with keys & drums & violins & guitars is not an easy thing! Thanks for those who came and stayed, we really appreciate it!

And as a good Samaritan, our friend James offered us a place to stay for the night. Thanks so much for the shelter, we’ll return the favor when you need a place to crash in NY (or anywhere we are once we’re in our trailer!) Oh and for those who don’t know them, James has a band called The Sobriquets and you should definitely check them out 🙂

It’s now 7pm, we just arrived in our motel room in Athens after an 8hr drive and we’re ready to go check out the open mic at Donkey Coffee.