The Escape

Alright, we’ve finally got a release date for the new EP – APRIL 16th – Woo hoo!
It was only after listening to all the tracks that we realized there is a distinct theme running through all of them…I’ll break it down for you:

1. Where have you gone – Escape
2. Remember Waiting – Escape
3. Over the Rainbow – Longing for escape
4. I wanna run – pretty self explanatory
5. No Love – Escape
6. Pink House – remembering a sense of freedom

so, yeah, we decided to call it “The Escape.” I’m really not a miserable person, I’ve just always loved a good ballad 🙂

Recording, part 1

I hope this post finds you safe, dry and with electricity and hot water. Elie and I really didn’t believe the hype and didn’t think it would be anywhere near as bad as it was…lucky for us we no longer live in Queens. I hope everyone else wasn’t as blase.

In preparation for Hurricane Sandy we spent all day Saturday and Sunday tracking drums, guitars and keyboards at The Bunker Studio in Brooklyn, then retreated back up to Beacon. Not only did we not suffer any kind of fallout from the hurricane up here, but I think the meteorological happenings helped us lay down some really great tracks. Elie and I have a habit of skirting natural (and man-made) disasters, it’s kind of our thing.

Anyway, the recording was fantastic. We’ve got Chris Schultz on drums, Clif Jackson on upright, Elie on acoustic guitar, and Clifton Hyde (who played with us on the 2007 EP) on electric guitar.  We were able to track all of the acoustic guitar, bass, drums and piano live and we’re going back into the studio in the next few weeks to record vocals.  Then we’ve just got to mix, master and duplicate! As far as a release date, here’s the rough timeline I came up with today instead of working on album art:

Now you know everything I know:)

Here’s some piccies from the recording


Stay safe out there!

Lots of Love

Recording – yes, it’s really going to happen!

Hey all!

I know things have been very quiet around here – and my apologies for that.
We’ve been playing fewer shows lately and my attention has been directed towards our next recording – but I feel that I will soon reach the point where my enjoyment of playing shows completely eclipses my dislike of booking them and we will be back on the road. Speaking of which – we’re planning a tour to Florida in Late January, so if you know of a great place for us to play or want to put on a house concert let us know!

As far as the recording goes, we have booked a date! October 27th and 28th is when the magic will be happening at The Bunker in Brooklyn. We also have a brand new, never-been-played-in-public song which we will be recording AND it features the banjo, lots of backing vocals, some foot stomping and has a rich, nostalgic, atmospheric feel to it.

ALSO, we’ve decided we’re going to have a hell of a lot more fun during this recording. We want to experiment more and really create an identity for each song.
I can NOT wait to share it with you!

Strange new song


We played a song at Wednesday’s Rockwood show which is so new it’s not even finished. The result was definitely messy, but interesting, and different than anything we’ve done so far.
When I started this song I was going through a long songwriting dry spell and I just sat down at the keyboard and the first verse came out. It was a weirdly awesome experience, because I had no expectation and no judgment about what was happening. So I decided to try the same approach with the second verse – just let the words roll out. I can’t say exactly what it’s about, but I do have a general vibey sort of idea of what I’m talking about, and it definitely evokes something in me. It’s interesting to have to interpret your own songs. I still need another verse and we need to flush out the arrangement a bit and rehearse it a lot more – but here’s a recording Chris (drummer) took of the song from the gig.

[wpaudio url=”″ dl=’0′ text=’New Song’]

keep in mind that it is ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH…that’s the one good thing about playing to an empty room, there’s absolutely no risk and you can feel free to experiment 🙂



Updates and Free Download

Hope your Memorial Day was filled with lots of fun and good food and minimal amounts of traffic and sweatiness!

I’ve changed my mind again re: the album vs. EP dilemma.  Elie has a name for this specific type of indecision, he calls it “Pulling an Eleanor.”  I’m pretty sure this decision will stick, though.  It was my original plan, which means it was what I wanted to do in the first place before doubt crept in.  It’ll probably be about five or six songs, four of which are written, and two that are almost complete.  The good news is, this means we will be recording and releasing new (er) music way sooner than we would’ve had we been doing a full length.   I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I can NOT wait to get these songs recorded!!!

If you missed it, here’s a free download of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” recorded live at NYU with Chris Shultz and Clif Jackson (our new bass player).  We’re going to be re-recording this for the EP, and I’ll be including a killer vocal intro…it’s gonna be good.

I’ve also started work on a stop motion video for the song using paper cut outs.  This is the first time I’ve attempted something like this, and so far it looks pretty cute.  I have about a thousand more photos to take, so don’t hold your breath, but hopefully it will see the light of day eventually!


Some thoughts…

(Truth be told I’m writing this because I hate the idea of that last post being the first thing people see when they happen upon this blog…it really wasn’t very inspired, and it’s been sitting there for months now.  That being said, I don’t really have a whole lot to say, but I figure anything is better than a list of things I’ve eaten recently or bought at Goodwill).


We had previously decided that we’d record an EP for our next release, but now we’re thinking it’s going to be a full length album.  But it’s going to be a little schizophrenic, or maybe bi-polar is a better mental illness metaphor in this instance.

Since receiving my banjo for Christmas it’s become my instrument of choice for writing…and I have some very fun and folky songs in development.  Then there are other songs which were originally intended for a concept album – but I really can’t be bothered to sit on them much longer, or try to come up with a whole album’s worth of  material which fits into the constraints of this concept – it seems a little tiresome, although I have great respect for anyone who has the focus and can commit to such an endeavor.  Anyway, these concept album songs are much darker, and might end up having quite a bit of synth/electronic elements in them.  Then there are some in-between songs we want to record like “Where Have You Gone,” “No Love,” “Better Off,” and our cover of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”

So I guess we could put out two separate EPs, but that would mean doubling the duplication and promotional expenses, and quite frankly, I’d rather backpack around south east Asia…yeah, it costs that much.

Plus, I think good music is good music, whether it’s folk or indie rock.  The songs probably aren’t as different as I think they are, they all came from the same place, so how different can they be?

I am trying not to get frustrated with how slow this process is at the moment.  Although I am a lazy pot head I’m actually very results oriented – or maybe I’ve just learned from living in this world that the only things that matter are “results.”  But now that I just wrote that down, I realize how completely untrue that is, thank you WordPress!  These songs are awesome, writing them is awesome, playing them by myself, to myself, is mind-blowingly awesome – and is really the only thing that matters.  But I would love  you to hear them also.

Alright, guess I did have stuff to say!