The imagery and metaphor of the ocean is featured heavily in pretty much all of the songs on our upcoming album – hence the title “Go Call the Captain.” It is also featured in our spectacular album art.
I don’t know how to say this and sound normal, so I’m not even going to try: Being born into this world was like drowning (how I know this is another story – a really good one, too.) Being suddenly surrounded by this reality was jarring, to say the least, and I think I have been working through the trauma of birth since…well, since I was born, and this theme is apparent throughout the album.
Not only have I been writing about this for awhile, I have also been drawing and painting houses floating in water for a really long time.
Our EP pictures a house in the water and for our new album I wanted to keep exploring that image.
The house is our human selves, our lives, everything we know, can talk about, can think about, can begin to conceptualize. And the ocean is everything else. And we are IN it but we don’t really know it. There’s all this other stuff happening beyond the small reality we are focused in – we are floating in it, on it, we could reach out and touch it if we wanted to – but we usually just stay in our little houses.
So here’s the original painting I did. Some people (cough cough) thought it was too amateurish so we started looking for a “real” artist to better convey this concept.

I’m actually really happy that we did, because we found Vitaly Umansky, and what he came up with was really quite perfect.
So here’s our amazing album art:

You can check out Vitaly’s work at his website, he is really spectacular: Vitaly Umansky Illustration